yuguang gold and lead group limited liability company-凯发k8国际

contact us
contact us

yuguang gold and lead group limited liability company

address: no.1, jingliang south street, jiyuan city, henan province, china
(1, jingliang street, jiyuan city, henan province, china)
office: 0391-6699888
enterprise management: 0391-6665977
product sales: 0391-6665828
material supply: 0391-6665949
human resources: 0391-6665910
discipline inspection and supervision: 0391-6665801
legal affairs: 0391-6665978
network support: 0391-6665976
fax: (fax) 0391-6693547
post code: 459000
e-mail: yg@yuguanggold-lead.com.cn